Contact us
How It Works
With your guidance and input, we perfectly capture your vision to design a customized jewelry piece. Need a color suggestion? We’ve got it covered! Need us to sketch your piece? We can do that, too! Your custom creation will then be handcrafted specially just for you!
Dream It
Do you have an idea for a piece of jewelry that you would love to see come to fruition? Auburn Jewelry can turn that dream into a reality. We can transform an idea into a wearable piece of art in the form of pendants, cufflinks, keychains and more.
Feel free to give us a call or send us an email anytime with an explanation of your idea. We’ll get back to you within a few days and work together to design your dream piece of jewelry. We love hearing from our customers, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch!
Wear It
Now that your custom piece has come in the mail, it’s time to show it off! Take a photo of yourself wearing your piece and share with @auburnjewelry on Instagram and Facebook. We love seeing our customers style up their one-of-a-kind pieces of Auburn Jewelry!
Contact us